JP Malot, known in the art world as Shoot the Bank, is a celebrated figure in the French street art scene, now joining the vibrant community of Born in 1973, JP’s artistic journey began with formal training in artistic and technical drawing, but his true calling was found in the expressive world of spray painting. His early years were marked by influences from iconic graffiti artists like Steph, Jonone, and Futura 2000, and seminal works such as “Subway Art” and “Spray Can Art.”

Rejecting the confines of traditional art school, JP embraced the freedom and creativity of street art. He honed his skills on parade decorations, fashion storefronts, and during a graffiti expo at Agnes B’s gallery, while also exploring the then-cult world of urban wastelands. His style is a rich tapestry of influences, from the great masters’ drawings and sketches to the vibrant abstract work of Paul Jenkins. JP’s art is a celebration of underground culture, infused with elements from pop art, graphic design, fashion, and his global travels.

JP Malot’s technique is a dynamic fusion of collage, aerosol, painting, stencil, serigraphy, markers, acrylics, and drawings. He is particularly known for his sculpted objects, like bitcoin and his signature bitcoin grenades in pop colors, which he integrates into urban landscapes or attaches to other objects. His work is a complex play of visuals and pseudonyms, serving as diverse tags or signatures that create enigmas for street art fans.

JP’s art has graced the streets of Paris, London, Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Palma, Malaga, Marbella, Ibiza, Naples, Glasgow, Lagos, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Beijing, and Sao Paulo. His work is sought after by amateurs and collectors of urban and bitcoin art worldwide, including major cities like Los Angeles, Barcelona, London, Berlin, New York, and Tokyo.

Now, as a part of our crypto-friendly platform, JP Malot aka Shoot the Bank brings his unique blend of street art and digital culture to, where art meets the cutting-edge world of cryptocurrency.

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