Zimbabwe Painter, Original Bill.

Acrylic on original Zimbabwen note, signed by Valentina Picozzi.
147 mm x 74 mm.
This is an original Zimbabwean banknote, although the use of the Zimbabwean dollar as an official currency was effectively abandoned on 12 April 2009 – and now it’s only a collectible.

“The “One hundred trillion dollars” bill is the note with the most zeroes of any legal tender in all recorded history.
At one stage this note would not even cover a bus ticket, nor a candy bar, nor a coffee…The painter is in fact deleting some words and leaving only “one dollar”, as its real value was more or less that.

I have always found this note to be a good conversation starter, especially when you want to introduce cryptocurrencies to your audience. ”

V. Picozzi.

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Valentina Picozzi

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